Tile Classifications and Ratings

The New South Wales Building and Sustainability Index (BASIX) has classified colours into light, medium and dark on the basis of their solar absorptance as an easy guide for home builders to use when choosing materials for their homes. Please see the tables below for the solar absorptance and BASIX colour classification for our products.

SA = Solar Absorptance. The classification of colours in the NCC is based on solar absorptance, which is the inverse of solar reflectance, expressed as a ratio between 0 and 1. A SA value of 0 indicates that a roof absorbs none of the solar energy applied to it while a value of 1 indicates that a roof absorbs 100% of the incoming solar radiation.

NCC = National Construction Code. NCC has classified roof colour on the basis of their solar absorptance, referred herein as Light (< 0.475), Medium (0.475-0.7), and Dark (> 0.7).

Terracotta Roof Tiles


Range Colour Solar Absorption BASIX

Aitana  0.48 Medium
Bourgogne 0.78 Dark
Galia 0.62 Medium
Hispania 0.58 Medium
Jaspee Roja 0.58 Medium
Lucentum 0.62 Medium
Marron 0.70 Medium
Mediterreana 0.54 Medium
Milenium 0.54 Medium
Roja 0.54 Medium
Tossal 0.82 Dark
Baltic 0.78 Dark
Caviar 0.85 Dark
Cocoa 0.82 Dark
Ghost White 0.33 Light
Slate 0.86 Dark
Turron 0.61 Medium
Wallaroo 0.75 Dark
Amber Haze 0.77 Dark
Burnt Ochre 0.77 Dark
Granite 0.85 Dark
Jaspee Roja 0.58 Medium
Roja 0.58 Medium
Slate 0.86 Dark
Truffle 0.70 Medium

Medio Curva
Aitana 0.48 Medium
Galia 0.63 Medium
Hispania 0.58 Medium
Jaspee Roja 0.58 Medium
Lucentum 0.62 Medium
Marron 0.70 Medium
Milenium 0.54 Medium
Roja 0.54 Medium
Tossal 0.82 Dark
Baltic 0.78 Dark
Black Diamond 0.81 Dark
Blackstone 0.82 Dark
Caviar 0.85 Dark
Ghost White 0.34 Light
Roja 0.60 Medium
Slate 0.85 Dark
Turron 0.61 Medium
Wallaroo 0.75 Dark
Baltic 0.82 Dark
Caviar 0.82 Dark
Cocoa 0.82 Dark
Slate 0.82 Dark
Turron 0.56 Medium